There's a baby crying from another room a dog barking from across the road
Helen opens her eyes to her bedroom her mind focuses as much it can in morning's light
her younger sister sleeps next to her mouth open eyes closed hands resting on top of the blanket
what day is it? Helen asks herself she calculates Saturday yes Saturday
she smiles no need to get up just yet she turns away from her sister and looks at the wall at her side with green flowered wall paper torn in places where her sister has ripped it
she has to ask her mum about the cinema Benny said to go but she wasn't sure her mum would let her or could afford for her to go
I'll pay for you Benny had said the previous day at school I've got some pocket money still
but she couldn't just say yes without her mum knowing or agreeing
she sits up and looks at her sister sleeping and gets up and stands on the cold floor and goes to the window and looks out
her mum is up and in the kitchen she can hear saucepans being used and her mum talking
she gets out of her bedroom and along to the kitchen/wash-room
what's got you out of bed on a Saturday? her mum asks making porridge
Benny's going to the cinema and asked me to go Helen says pretending lack of interest
does he now and what did you say?
Helen looks at her mum's broad beam of backside and tight head of curls
said I'd ask you Helen replies
did you now well now you've asked
Helen waits unsure of the answer
how much is it to the cinema then?
Benny said it's 6d he did say he'd pay but I said I wasn't going to accept his charity (she hadn't but it sounded good)
don't be too proud of charity girl you may need it one day her mum says
can I go?
her mum stirs the saucepan of porridge
ok but don't make a habit of it I'm not made of money
Helen beams and hugs her mum's wide waist and kisses her hip
get on with you and get washed and dressed her mum says
and Helen full of happiness take off her nightgown and washes in the sink of soapy water her thoughts racing around her head like a cat chasing a mouse all over a large many roomed house.