Oh, You are such a lovely poison lips so tinder and soft Oh, how You hurt Me and leave scars upon My soul Oh, hurt too much to bear Oh, you are the thing most cherished If I could melt Your icy heart I told You I loved You Oh, You told Me the same and then took those sweet words away Oh, how You intoxicate and enslave My soul Oh, cruel wicked angel I am addicted to You like a drug intoxicated in a haze of passion Oh, the imprint of Your limbs Your warm and soft lips takes Me beyond reason where angels fear to tread beyond the farthest star Oh, cruel wicked lovely angel Why do You tantalize Me so? Oh, how Your lovely form enslaves Me a love just beyond reach You hurt Me so Angel ever so lovely Oh, I grasp at Your heart with trembling fingers I long to kiss You with trembling lips Oh, such poison to My soul a love so strong Your haunting and angelic form so near and so far Oh, how You enslave My poor heart beyond reason and oh how it shall remain forever and ever to the end of time and evermore