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Apr 2011
there were times i feel like I'm a special child
the one who needs most of the attention
the one who needs love the most
but the only difference is, i only need those that are from my loved ones

it's not that i feel that i am neglected
not that i am rejected
not even was i isolated
it's just that... i feel alone at some times...

it was unintentional --- i guess
nobody left me
they were just busy
busy with their own lives

i was never an attention-seeker
i never wanted to be an eye-candy
neither a center of attention
or someone in the middle of a commotion

maybe i just needed some of your time
some of your busy time for me
even the least of it that you can give me
just for this day... make me feel like I am Special
Written by
The Ankh  32/F
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