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Feb 2015
When I'm sobbing you're there
When I'm laughing you're the reason I am
When I'm smiling it's caused by you
When I'm having a day where I falling down you pick me up off the ground
When I feel like giving up you keep me going

Today was aweful for me but you made me realize something
You told me I was strong
You told me they won't matter when I grew up
You told me I'm going to make it
You told me you love me no matter what

Then it hit me...
You're right!
I am strong ive been through a lot and I'm still standing
They don't matter and they never will its highschool who cares
I am going to make it I'm smart and hardworking
I know you love me thats what keeps me going

I have something nobody else has
I have you
Written by
KellzKitty  Non ya
(Non ya)   
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