Babe, I love kissing you like sipping hot tea; I go sip after sip, and you're always so sweet.
Burn my mouth if I must to have that nice taste; See myself in reflections so close to my face.
Cheek-bones touch the holy fountain; Youth again I have obtained; Seen my eyes bounce back within; Whet again, my tongue's edged flame.
Cannot communicate through this facade; I guess we're done, the haze has won: I've lost God.
Thanks for such a nice attempt, see you in some other life my friend.
I've lost the ability to say what I mean and to mean what I say; And I'm scared of conversation, so I shamefully publicly pray.
That makes me a poet, too many would say; A cynical stance I'd have to portray:
Spreading Gods word is duty, no doubt; But forcing it on others ain't what Gods about; Listen to me preach if you have any doubts; I'll silence your ulterior motives right out.