My happy is a sneaky state with the tendency to lie Directly: You will feel like this tomorrow Or by Omission: Positive hindsight My happy, I have found, doesn’t captain a galleon in a bottle Or dwell in a smog cloud at the cherry tip of hand-rolled disappointment Filling an empty room with cancerous nostalgia It doesn’t have a neatly labeled treasure map like they make you think in school You can’t earn it, buy it, sell it or even steal it My happy doesn’t taste like nectar or dye my mouth blue It isn’t linear or logical or convenient or fair Sometimes I forget about it altogether I hope it isn’t Haley’s comet with one chance and only that I try not to talk about things I don’t understand But this has been a recurring issue So far my happy appears to burn at fourfiftyone Mate for life, and yet Forget its own face like a spinster in a house with broken mirrors Elusive friend of mine, my happy and I Have shared a wonderful affair though the rendezvous were scarce I have learned to live without her and make meaning from her ghost It is when every light on the surface dies that the stars and moon shine most