When she’s gone, nothing else matters she’s gone. left me shattered my heart is so battered she’s gone. My life is so empty Since the day that she left me My heart is so heavy She’s gone. Why did it happen? Our love was so great Now it’s too late She’s gone. My memories are happy I know that sounds sappy She’s gone. She loves me I know it Her actions they show it She’s gone. Too hard to hold onto She knows that I want to She’s gone. My heart is on fire It’s not a funeral pyre She’s gone It loves her relentless, How could I prevent this? She’s gone. It’s me she still loves She makes me see doves But still.. She’s gone. One day; maybe 10 years She’ll come back and erase years I might be wrong, But in my heart, She’s like a song… And I hope It's not too long.