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Feb 2015
It feels like everything's different.
Nothing's the same.
Everyone's grown,
And everyone's changed.
We've left our comfort zone,
At least some I know.
I just left home,
It's as if I'm alone.
I am alone in a sense where I get to be me,
I get to express myself and be free.
I get to sleep naked,
And eat what I want.
We're not kids anymore,
We're adults.
Such a final word,
A word that means the world.
When you're an "adult" everything changes,
If you snuggle it has some double standard,
You can't say you're lonely it goes against the standards.
So what can you do ?
Be unhappy,
Work a 9-5 and deal.
I refuse to be different,
I will be the same as before.
Yet improved,
I will snuggle all I want,
Without having to explain what I want.
I will eat everything my heart desires,
Even if it's not sticking to my "diet".
I refuse to be unhappy,
Because I know the taste of happy.
And it won't get away.
Society needs to stop making me,
Forcing me to change.
Written by
Rhona  21/F/Los Angeles
(21/F/Los Angeles)   
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