my love is a wild orchid leaking at the mouth at dawn as hands find ways to place themselves in invisible places burning beneath dreary midnight skies
terror and rushing silent hearts, something good I have pranced upon in life meadows and I find this lingering between those two places perfection speaks silently perfection whispers violently
I find worlds to live in where our windows are portals to the spiritual and open doors bring in tender wind violet voices drip beneath the skin in rich shades of heart fall leaving imprints of impersonation and reconstruction on my wall blinding the unforgiving love of routine and blue curtains that were hung up last winter with a smile brushed upon a sad face
living in forests of wild woods and pubescent trees mock the artificial mind of this city learn how to be
I am no casting eminence glancing down breath taking seas, locked in the agony of happiness and criminal hearts, kissed by a kisser holding hands tediously as 3 hearts melt into one like the rain coming down from your roof and the joy of falling asleep to the sound of water being absorbed into the ground recycled, there is something so comforting about it
flower printed walls, and hallmark cards lay around the smell of coffee stenches the carpet there is something glorifying about broken bottles in the corner of the bar perhaps a long night of silent communication and unbearable looks of quiet knife like stares piercing-exciting loving