Over Christmas I was fine: my grief’s appetite suppressed, a comatose beast of tumultuous emotions, for once, not ready to strike at the smallest hush whisper smile look. No fits of rage, no bouts of nausea.
But my beast slumbers only when you’re not there to beckon it,
and when your laugh doesn’t echo through empty hallways, and your little bubbles of conversation with my best friends, waking it with a bucket of hot coals,
or when I don’t have to dwell on how your smile plays hide-and-go-seek: a fickle creature that desires not to face me on a daily schedule, mine is ready to strike at any moment.
For when I was “home” in my mere shell of reality, with nothing but numbness & ignorance of your existence to patch up the holes in the tattered quilt of “us,” if only for three weeks, you weren’t there.
But now that I’m back and you’re back, that hunger awakens deep in my gut. It bleeds, it scrapes. My beast longs to devour a portion of my peace, hour by hour. And with each passing look of your eyes in my eyes, fear in yours & a transparent loathing shield in mine, I am nearly crumbled in defeat.