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Apr 2011
The eagle is a pompous creature
It reeks of regality and significance
It’s superfluous and ignorant
How does the eagle maintain its status?
It preys on the weary and down trodden
The rodents that scurry over the ground
With their own purpose and cause
Yet the eagle is paramount
It destroys these lesser beings
It is the perfect balance of power and intelligence
Just as it represented the great leaders
Napoleon and ****** to name a few
Ben Franklin understood
The turkey he said should be the bird
I’d rather be the turkey
The turkey does not hurt the field mouse
It is a symbol of bounty and pleasure
Following its own agenda to its own accord
Right till its dyeing breath it gives to others
Far more majestic than the mighty eagle
It can continue its majesty after death
When the turkey becomes a feast
The mighty eagle with all its intelligence
Its power, its pomp and circumstance
Is nothing but road **** smeared across the pavement
Written by
Mike Barta
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