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Jan 2015
It hurts to miss you as much as I do
I can't stay still too long
it fills up the space I'm in
I can smell it in my clothes

I miss you
like a silent prayer
a mantra
a chant in the back of my mind

It rolls of my shoulders in pale plumes of white smoke
Leaving a fog in my wake
I can't sit still too long
else I loose sight of everything around me

I miss you
a simple song playing on repeat
I hum along
the tune sticks in my mind

It's hard to live life
with half a beating heart
when the other beats for you
without my favorite piece there's a hole in my existence

I miss you
How I long for your closeness
your peaceful energy
that quiets my screaming soul
Peter Pan
Written by
Peter Pan  New York to Alaska
(New York to Alaska)   
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