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Apr 2011
I am utterly terrified of horses
When i was 5 they bit me
When i was 10 they bucked me
At 15 they threw me
And at 16 they dragged me
Maybe it was because of all the glue i ate as a kid
Whatever it might be,
I've come to learn us tall folks
Best keep our feet on the ground
I still love to watch a horse
The power of God displayed in the movement
Rising and falling of such a noble beast
The grace of God found in
The grazing pastures high in the mountains
In the same way i believe my self to be a horse
This rebellious nature yearns to break
All bonds of fellowship and love
Yearns to be outside of the crushing expectations
I've been placed under
Thankfully my master is good kind and wise
He is good because he bought me at a great price
He is kind because i have not been made into glue
He is wise because of the fences he has built for me
Each time I break free
Each time i run, he doesn't yell
He doesn't get angry, cuss or get his gun
He wants me back but not at the sake
Jading me to scorn and rejection

What i perceive as glory is not true glory
What i know to be true may not be true
When once i sought to be a mustang free
A plow horse is my true destiny
Not to say i am broken down
But to say he is building me up
Building me to be strong
Building me to be steadfast and unwavering
Just as he is these things
Where others see entrapment i see a freedom
Greater than the mustang would find over that hill
Such freedom that frees me still
I've traded up in this system
I've traded my burdens for a joy unending
I've traded my chains for a cross all powerful

I've found a cross within these fences
Found a freedom that should not be
Daily I must carry it
Daily i must die
This yoke is light
The responsibility is heavy
How do i follow in the footsteps
You who've gone before
You can teach an old dog new tricks
But can you teach a workhorse how to love
Teach him work to find the pearl buried in the field
Teach him to sell himself to find it
Teach him that eternal life is nothing without eternal love

If you are pardoned by the King
You owe him your life
If you want to live,
First you must die
As the farmer works the fields
As horse pulls the plow
So too must i work
He is teaching me how
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