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Jan 2015
my fingers meet raindrops on tips of leaves.
Branches surround me and catch on my sleeve.
Darkness encloses; worry breeds fear.
I wonder if The One Whom I Love is near?
Hands ever searching, eyes remain blind.
He's different from me, yet one of my kind.

i trip, stumble, fall. A scrape bleeds.
Surrender to forces greater than me.
Uneven skin proves i'm riddled with sin,
Yet The One Whom I Love, will still let me in.
He dries my tears, and washes my feet.
Although i'm imperfect, He gives me a seat.

His love for me is ever confusing.
Human nature can be amusing!
i'm cracked, cut, battered and bruised.
i'm *****, beaten, tired and confused.
All of this mess, and i'm still so wanted.
He leans in close for a kiss on my forehead.

In this moment, I am free,
Because The One Whom I Love, loves Me,

For Me.
Pacifica Northwest
Written by
Pacifica Northwest  Grand Rapids
(Grand Rapids)   
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