shifting focus bended light altered reality as the present becomes redefined creating substantial ripples in an otherwise still pond – reflections warp running water distorts landscapes shift with the wind all those truths, so concrete crumble in the glow of different information – worthiness and self-importance replace doubt and loathing as the realization of acceptance flood the low laying regions torment of the torrential pouring over the stained past washing clean skin marred by a lifetime of reclusively existing – together and forward thinking we sit, future planning dividing the years ahead into blocks of success setting and achieving both short and long term goals for the creation of the future we choose just like in all the magazines and self-help seminars – gasping for air in an undercurrent of responsibility holding tight the notions of poor or low-class monetarily the struggle to break free is real when one attempts to circumvent their station and be more do more life better in an age of classism and social warfare – we sit atop the madness hand in hand looking over the extremes presented and normalcy catching each other’s eye a smile crosses lips in tune knowingly, we plunge into home ownership manning the torpedoes, we move full steam ahead—