There are the worst days There are days when you want to fall to the floor, melt into it, feel each floorboard sink into your bones, feel your skin succumb to nails and creak when someone steps on your hip bone, feel it break just a little as the pain raises up your veins There are days when you mind will disintegrate in the flames that are burning up your eyes, light a match just to watch it burn do not let go of it when it reaches the tips of your fingers, let the heat fold into your flesh There are days when getting out of bed is a survival tactic because if you just lay here you will feel your lungs collapse on themselves, feel your breathing slow, let the ceiling fan spin in your head until you are too dizzy to remember why the day was so bad in the first place, feel your There are days when you will want to give it all up, watch the smoke rise from your body, see the translucent form of yourself leave your room leaving the door open, hoping you will follow it but you do not, you never do There are the worst days But do not fear them Because thought there are the worst ones There are the best ones as well