What I am searching for Is the question often I asked myself. I am Searching for peace and Some hope to move on in life.
The real world left me completely shattered and depressed. My all thoughts just ended in Closing the chapters of my life. I couldn't utter my pains to anyone As there is none who can heal my wounds ever. Let all the pains die along with me.
May be to run away from tears and pain I started living in the world of fictions, Where some relief I feel when I write Down from my heart. For sometime at least I feel happiness in my mind When I engage myself in reading and writing.
I felt many times, I am living in a world of fictions
The happiness which I cannot get in real world I started searching in stories and fictions.
The life has to move on till the end without applying a forced break And without taking a wrong path.
Searching for solace and seeking some happiness I landed here. I feel reading and writing will increase my level of confidence And to have a brighter view of life!