He couldn't gloss over the dull fact hanging lifeless like the near-homophone about his neck.
It's a pretty neck, this long and slender neck, with the impeccable lines of its smooth cylinder broken only by a smallish apple.
Eve would've refused it.
To sea. To sea. There he'd see with its wide vistas the feathery visage of this polar white visitor riding astride his black cloud.
"Rain, would it please you to rain? Are you allowed to open up and drown me?" Is how he’d phrased it in his mind, countless times.
The hardest rain would be welcome, but this constant threat, this ponderous yet, this threaded pendant swinging as fast and steady as a winged pendulum might, was not. It tightened, that knot deep in the pit of his stomach.
He'd done no harm.
Harm wasn't his to do, or undo. The harm came before, at the hands of a father, who gave him such an ill-spoken name, and the Father before him.
He, ages before him, deigned to make us this world where a bird’s no more than a bird or any man with the want of a soul.
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