Crouching slick faced in the depths of the pines, Drums are echoing in me like dead men. The forest always knows how it will end, The thick autumn painted crimson with blood. The deer murmurs as I slowly take sight And ran for miles after his mortal wound.
Through ravines and thorns I carefully wound: His corpse was still beating among the pines. Cone-needle bed is his funeral site. Death has become the tooth-scarce grin of men. My hands are on the shoulders of my blood: A burden he must carry through the end.
Not long after this the deer filled the end Of our truck and the ragged red-brown wound Pained my eyes, hissing at me as the blood Fled from it like a warrior who pines For home. We cut him apart with old men And the winter made our breath turn to sight.
Two months later my kinβs ribs are the sight That tell me it is all about to end. Where once stood muscle now lay paper men Leaking memories, ready to be wound In the splintβring rigidity of pine And finally make good their debt of blood
We are starving without the nature-blood And the black smoke pollutes the holy site Where killing became living in the pines. Now there are machines living at the end Of my fence, chewing on the trees, wounding My mother with the oiled claws of un-men.
I meandered slowly towards the dead men Now laid enshrouded deep within the blood Of the forest. I am the living wound Among the trees. Wooden markers show sights Of a generation shortly ended. There is no life among the wretched pines.
Now coming are the haunted men who pine for the forest of their blood, but the end has come and earth-wounds are their only sight.