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Jan 2015
I’m sorry I don’t meet your expectations. I thought loving you was enough. I can’t do it all, but one day you’ll understand.

Life hands you stress and sickness, but it’s not your fault. It’s not mine either. I’ll make it better for you one day, I really will. I understand why you’re the way you are. I’m a part of you;although, that doesn’t mean I know how to help you.

Out of all the people I attempt to help you’re the most challenging. You are my father yet you don’t know me. A matter a fact I don’t know you. We need to be a team. We are a team. I just want you to be happy. You deserve it. I know you’re sensitive but you don’t show it. I am sensitive but you don’t see that.

I want to hear your stories and learn from you. I want to know why you’re the man you are. One day I will. You just need to speak to me. Somehow.

One day I’ll make it better, I promise.
Written by
Michael Ranieri  Hi-Nella, New Jersey
(Hi-Nella, New Jersey)   
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