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Apr 2011
You knoW I wear my heart on my sleeve,
but could you ever make it up to me?
For stealing it away, knowing It was my only vice,
and leaving me with a hole as cold and dark as ice.

But inside I want to forgive you,
Because the probLem isn't just what you do.
But sometimes I want to forget you.
Because the scars are stilL from what You do.

Can we just sit here in silent nOthing.
Let my pUlse slow to a stop.
From you I don't want anything,
You took my hEart then let it drop.

But inside I want to fogiVe you,
BEcause the problem isn't just what you do.
But sometimes I wish I had foRsaken you,
Because the scars are still from what you do.

Can we just lay here in the light,
Let my eyes adjust to the fire.
Your Soul is burning through my night,
though you are not my hEarts desirE.

So inside I want to forgive you,
because the problem isn't just what you do.
But sometimes I wish I could forget you,
because all these scars you see,
are what you did to me.
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