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Jan 2015
Moonlit concrete canyons echo with howls.
                   Signal midnight terror!  Packs are on the prowl!
                     Demonic toothy grins with lunar glow aglint
                    suggest savage passions with more than a hint.
                           Cowering sheep paralyzed with fright
                 look to wary shepherds on guard through the night.
                             Ravenous rovers mate fang to fleece,
                        predatory prowlers drawn by plaintive bleats.
              Lobos fear no shepherdsโ€™ dogs nor bullets from their guns,
                      they only fear the cage, wolves were born to run.
                     Death may be their destiny but living is the chase.
             Theyโ€™ll run the neon jungle โ€˜til theyโ€™re killed or catch a case.
Written by
RW Khalid Curley  Madison WI
(Madison WI)   
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