I thought when I watched you the clocked stop I was only breathing too hard your bony fingers are around my heart if feels so good to feel them there they are cold but I will make them warm again I wear my skeleton like a spider or an ant touch my back my body is an electric fence the ghosts of the sparrows that flew out of your mouth only know where sunsets grow we fallowed them to the trees where they are skinny and bare and their roots are as cracked as ours I was holding your hand so gentle I thought that I was going to lose you I was whispering to your ears telling them not to worry you thought I spoke in madness it was only my smile that magically tricked you into loving me my magic tricks are a musical garden I tried to grow you but the sun never came neither did the rain one night you tried to not let me see you crying but I knew you did cause your heart stung me like a jellyfish my hands are still raw and numb from the sorrow but I know that you had forgiven me when the bleeding finally stopped I still haven't shown you the scars but I was only speaking in madness