Has man ever really stopped and looked at all the beauty that Nature has cooked arrayed throughout the world to see by stumbling humans like you and me.
Deserts filled with shifting sand moved by winds and Nature’s hand creating dunes of epic scale compared to this we are so frail.
Rill and brook, stream and creek all a river’s end they seek as they head for oceans wide moving always with the tide.
Filled with fish of every size sometimes caught for dinner’s prize and on their trek it’s life or death they struggle on for every breath.
Through the forests these rivers flow passing trees whose names we know they’re the lifeblood of our world new breath with every leaf unfurled.
Too often though we cut them down turning green land into brown and yet somehow there are still flowers grown by Nature’s greater powers.
They brighten days in glorious hues so many colours, too many to choose in meadows watered by rivers’ flow past those trees whose names we know.
And on to seas with sharks and whales the mighty Blues with their giant tails whose flukes are wider than football fields what majestic beauty the ocean yields.
To care for our planet we would do well it’s a living thing not just a shell it isn’t ours to destroy and maim it’s future health should be our aim.