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Jan 2015
Pinstripe Suit

When I'm an old lunatic I shall wear a black and white pinstriped suit
I'm trapped inside the prison walls
That used to be my mind
The wallowing woman that I used to be
Has long been left behind

There are times I'm quite alert
My memory’s still intact
Then there are days when I shall disappear
And no it’s not an act

With an anesthetic air to it
The squeaky doors
My mind flows like a never ending pit
And creaky carpet bare floors

The halls as silent as a morgue
Pill meals to which I never want
They're like a cardboard box that kicks you numb
My old memories still do haunt

Blindly walking the paths laid out for me
When I'm old I shall be completely crazy
I'll scream and shout loudly to make sure you hear me clearly
I'll ramble on and on about my past times
When suddenly I am old and start to wear black and white pinstriped suits
Written by
MaskedAngelofPain  21/F
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