You were the boy at the bus stop your soft-spoken voice -so conscious and sweet you were shy, quiet, and a bit un-easy something about you caught my attention for more than a brief second your eyes- bigger than mine i fell into them so quickly i didn't know it at the time, but soon you would be mine everything about being with you just felt so right i didn't have to worry about anything...... other than how sweaty my hands got when i held yours because of how incredibly nervous i was every time i saw you slowly, i started to picture everything that was wrong it was too good what we had was so superficial everything about us just seemed like a sham we didn't fight or argue it was always just me trying to make everything feel real i couldn't focus on who i wanted to be because every single thought i had was about you and me maybe i thought you could make me genuinely happy i thought i loved you i wasn't ready for this i forced myself into something because i thought it would help me figure out who i need to be i was unfair to you- i made you fall for me when i just needed to be free now every time i see you, i look away because i can't bare the thought of seeing you go through anything because of me i took your innocence- i didn't deserve it and i, sure as hell, don't deserve you