I wanna run on the beach with you; chasing one another along the shore, stopping to build our dream castle in the sand, and making sand angels- allowing our fingertips to brush one another's...
I wanna openly show affection towards one another, no matter where we are- holding hands, kissing one another, and telling each other 'I love you'...
I wanna take the time to get to know everything about you; your every dream, every wish, every want, every desire, and every fantasy- then one by one, I wanna make each one come true...
I wanna be with you but not just once upon a dream; I wanna hold you tightly, close to my heart- and never let you go...
I'm gonna run on the beach with you... I'm gonna openly show affection towards you... I'm gonna take the time to get to know everything about you... I'm gonna be with you, but not just once upon a dream...