Did you see the children in grave washed masses. Going to their regurgitate-*******-white middle classes. At the altar bent over in prayer Giving it up to father almighty With their false sincerity, and moral ******* gripping ever so tightly To cultureless social constructs. Encouraged under thinly veiling drapes To discriminate, in-tolerate, and perpetuate hate. Did you see the bravado, pomp, and gilded age? As it passed by sixty million in their chains of rage. While authority figures in houses of might Turned the cheek, cocked the gun, closed their eyes and set their sights. I wish I could say This is talk of former days. But sadly this will to indoctrinate Others minds into a foggy haze Of superstitious dogma Where messiahs are no more than profits, and missions to save souls Are only to serve strategic end goals. Is not history It is today.