Good children, do not build castles in the sky. At first they may seem lovely and magical-- Because they are-- But!
All castles have dungeons, And the dungeons Are where you keep your Fears and Worries and Inner demons.
While you are frolicking Inside your castle walls, In a world constructed entirely Out of your imagination, The things you imagine but Pretend to forget Will creep out of their Darkness in the dungeons And turn your magical kingdom Into a frightful prison Of the Mind.
Instead, good children, Build your Palaces in Poetry--
Dance with the rhythms, Sing with the rhymes, Build your imaginary world With words and stanzas
Because these palaces Really exist-- You don't have to pretend!
Just run away and hide in your Palace of Poetry, And paint the walls with Your stories, And trap your Worries and Fears In a corner, And fight them with your (S)words.
Leave when Reality commands you to, But come back when you can.
Lock the door each time you enter, Put the key in your pocket, And write yourself away.