My ears pick up the sounds coming close chugga chugga choo choo patiently wait while excitement infects my bones my cold squinting eyes scan the track train is inching into sight shaky cold legs, counting seconds till arrival one two three four five six seconds the train yields with screaming loudness ears yell to hands mittens push over ears with intent to rescue see the conductor, let the wind push me to the entrance put headphones in and get lost in a world of my own blast off, the train soars and my mind wanders with a wandering mind I am leaning against a frosted window suddenly my head bumps off the window and the train comes yielding one two three four five six seconds I feel panic shoot through my veins we had not even reached a second stop heads turn and questions are passed around like candy on halloween careless and free I see the hat of a conductor bobbling,coming closer "a man has been killed on the tracks" "we can no longer run this train" one woman, " well what the hell am I supposed to do now?" one man, " where do I go now? I have places to be." other faces" angry and filled with eyes of annoyance" One two three four five six seconds people begin to put foot after foot, stomp off a train left lost in my mind but in whole different world once again one two three four five six seconds Conductor: Miss are you ok? silently I get off the train one two three four five six seconds life is gone a man has perished all aboard the train of realization all aboard the train of ignorance once two three four five six seconds what has happened to the regard for human life?