I wander here again as many the day before for a span of years this mind roams upon the shore.
Little remembrances re-educates the heart once more to the simple easy days When life held open its core.
The sun glistens upon the sea the wind soft to form caresses here the jagged weeds the thistle and the thorn.
I wander deep my old paths were in youth I roamed and played the magic of the fairytale was the land and what it gave.
Sweet the dreams that flood and fill these tranquil moments in time holds bright the promise of another day As upon the hills I climb . Where mighty hawk hovers above where the cliffs race to the sea To those lochs that are ever so fresh to the sweet mornings plea.
I journey back across the years as fate has had me roam To see the land of which I'm part to feel my distant home.
There's no shore like that of hers no field that hugs the soul just empty planes without any names that runs a foreign flow.
I dream of her my seductive queen when the nights are cold and dark I see her there inviting me Dressed in her heather sark.