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Jan 2015
Being a ghost is not as hard as it seems.
The flame of my heartheartbeat quites down to a flicker
Before the door slams shut
And a plume of smoke dances its way to invisibility.

That's the moment I realized I haunted the hallways of my mind.
The floorboards shriek and shrill,
The air is thick and stagnant,
And the eyes on+ the paintings
Follow me like a cancer.

I see a window and look out.
I see myself as a child.
Enjoying life.
It blows my mind that there was a time and place
Before the world shook the innocence from me like loose change.
Mother earth took her $1.57
Bought herself a coke
And said "*******, kid"
Before jumping in her firebird and peeling out.

I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming
But all pain feels the same to me nowadays
So who knows if I'm awake or not.
But that doesn't matter
Because my voice hides in the shadows of my cave.
And empty
Except for the beast that hides inside
With love in its eyes
Waiting for the light to show.
Marcus Neeley
Written by
Marcus Neeley  west chester
(west chester)   
   Amanda Stoddard
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