At 4 am He tried to talk about the stars For some reason, you told him it's because he's never ****** before And we all acted like that was okay
After he stumbled his best away from us I told you how wrong you were Then you asked if I could 'maybe help him out a little' I haven't told you just how wrong that was
Waiting, standing, or sawying on the porch We were joined by the others To move on upstairs
Light it, smoke it, pass it, drink it Now count them Two, three, four, one after another The bodies that dropped and rest where they fell Producing a sweet slumbering silence That I tried to take advantage of
But no, the guest bedroom is open And you're awake And you're drunk And you smile at me crooked I know very well your twisted pursuit I know I'm not taking advantage of anything
We finish.
Back across the hall To where your brother, among the others, slept And I hoped he was dreaming about the sky Or the conversation I would have liked to have with him about it
Almost 8 in the morning Time for me to leave But you had to lose your keys And wake your brother to take me
In his truck, in the mirror I examined myself And said I looked like **** He didn't even laugh Instead, he told me that I never could
I lit a cigarette Wondering How he could say that Not wondering Why you never have.
We pass the construction, the apartments, and reach the house I hugged him 'You're better than us.'
It's 10 pm the next night And I hope he still wants to talk about the stars.