Even when you're not here, you manage to find a way to haunt me. Of course there just happens to be a guy here that looks just like you. I just want freedom from you. Freedom from the pain you caused. Freedom found in the grace and forgiveness of God, but I no longer feel worthy of it. I don't know how to let you go. I can't stop loving you. I don't know how to get out of your grip, but I do know if I stay here much longer it's going to **** me. I want to send you mini paragraphs so you know how much I hurt. So when you're laying with your new girl, you think twice before breaking her heart. I don't know where the line is anymore. When enough pain has been inflicted. Four year olds pout and ignore each other. But is maturity just walking away or is it standing up for yourself? All I know is the hurt.