Don't tell me to smile Exhortations to "cheer up" will be ignored You don't know how far you're stretching me, do you? Your head still in the clouds of safety where imbeciles call out to each other Listen. Listen, do We're exploring the heaviest things in the world Too heavy for Sysyphyus to haul I'm that kid you can kind of see through The one on the left corner With the cool bootleg Pink Floyd t shirt wrapping his thin torso He's got a box of Playboys beneath his nightstand and he's barely 14 years old He reads and incorporates that garbage into his pre-adolescence behavior With dreams of visiting Plato's Retreat Picking up some bunnies using some of the better Party Jokes His expertise at 'lingus and 'latio are as well perfected as can be without having actually performed them But he could sure bust out the ******* Philosophy and would have held his own with the old geezer who wrote it But he was only 14 and nobody seemed impressed with the amount of ******* culture he'd consumed They weren't letting him in the cluuuub Your ****** right he didn't feel like smiling But he wasn't bored And he didn't feel too serious He'd let it slide this time