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Jan 2015
five followers in two weeks  
seeking new poetic musings
alternate sources of inspiration
stylistically, I no longer cut it
my metaphor lacks substance
leaving the reader lingering
never to ******
only to want and regret –
filibustering no longer captivating viewers
retracing steps
complaining about the station of society
expressing joy and hope through prose and rhyme
left alone at the gates,
they reject my premise
and instead enjoy the cake –
fat head wall art purchasers
drooling as yet another riveting left turn
takes the beer car one lap closer
to bringing democracy to the middle east
****** yokels eating Miracle Whip sandwiches
don’t read if they can’t find anti Obama propaganda
subtext of Christian morality
and the overt pushing of American ideology
on their children and
immigrant workers –
Sam Temple
Written by
Sam Temple  Oregon
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