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Jan 2015
Carefully disposing of things that do not hold close to me in winter weather
Slipping like ice through fingertips
Too cold to remain in one place
I am sorry that you cannot hold a grip on me
And that I tend to fall out of your hands more than I probably should
This is not an easy battle for any of us
In every war, both sides will always experience downfalls
There is never a triumph without there first being a failure
I do not remember how I started this
I do not remember the day my heart clenched on to yours at all
And I'm sorry that my heart is uncertain of its disposition around you now
My mind is drifting from the shore like a child lost at sea and I am trusting it's going to be alright sooner or later
Hoping that God doesn't disappoint me
I am not sure of most things to be completely honest
And to be blunt, I am not sure of you at all
And frankly that is all I am sure off
And for that I am sorry
Ice was never meant to be warm
Ice has always been cold
And always will be
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