My loneliness is self imposed I try to escape, yet the door remains closed The walls I've built up keep me grounded As I take sanction in the fact I'm surrounded There's no on to blame for the demise of my soul Alone and isolated, my heart devours me whole Constantly searching for something to numb the pain Yet nothing dulls the thoughts racing through my brain Hopelessly I long to be proven wrong For someone to pick up my pieces and carry them along No matter the wishes, I remain alone For who I really am remains unknown I hide, halfheartedly, behind a broken facade Seclusive, elusive, its myself I evade Secretly hating all who claim to love me Yet still I hide in the shadows, allowing no one to see For no one can handle my distorted senses In order to protect them, I put up my defenses In a world of shallow thinkers, I sink to the floor Blending in with my surroundings, its myself I abhor Yet I can't contain the longing in my soul To find someone who fits the missing piece, making me whole