If only our words came from our hearts and not our minds Not twisted by our tongues And lack of empathy Then maybe our livelihood would matter And feeling the sting of your cold sheets, again, alone in your bed Would actually be comforting Instead of a constant reminder of how hollow they left you
If only we could show each other how we actually felt Whether it was mutual or not Instead of making puppets out of one another Pulling strings for self validation Lifeless and cold
If only forever was real And didn't have to start with once upon a time to have a happy ending Wedding bands and the family dog are over seen and under appreciated Values are long gone and family time now revolves around KFC and your laptop
If only we could become what we want to see in the world Instead of constantly pushing buttons or sitting in silence Love is no longer a feeling but an verb Describing a trait that died with our grandparents Now a task instead of a privilege
If only we could learn to see the bigger picture And realize all those moments we capture on our cameras won't mean anything When we couldn't appreciate who we spent it with