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Mar 2011
My mother was nothing but food for him
My father a meal, not anything more
The Flaming Giant has come to us
His children arrive to pick our bones

Neither snow of ash, nor rain of blood
Can quench our thirst, our need to live
Though we are drowned in burning pain
The water is gone, the sky in flames

He melts my flesh, destroys my mind
The fume above blocks out the sun
I go to stand, but only fall
And wonder what hell I am in

I hoped this could not be my life
A nightmare in the summer heat
But now I know that I am wrong
Now I know the smoke is real

I crawl, I drag toward her heart
Whose beats have just begun to slow
I hear the haunted screams inside
They cry in fear for rain to come

I reach my dear, and use my strength
To speak to her for one last time
Her thoughts begin to fade to black
"She's gone!" I cry. She won't come back.
Vivien Jae Maya
Written by
Vivien Jae Maya
   Sean Kassab
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