My mouth has nothing to tell you o God For I am weak in keeping words of mine. A year today I made a promise to end sin. To only whistle tunes that sweet your mind. And greatly love my neighbours like myself. But 'fore the dusk of that',I broke those vows. From January first to Decemb thirty-first, I only wishtle tunes for mine interest alone. My body's temple of your holy ghost but sins did parasited me as their hosts. My tongue was heavy to expose the lies. That resolution failed and I,also failed. Now to you God,the Father I resolve; To firmly give myself to you as sacrifice So that now henceforth I'll live in you So that my shame will equally be yours And mine triumphant shall remain your own I'll not depend on any pow'r of mine But on your power,mercy,love and grace. #WhistleTheFlute