******* One little word You know you've ****** up when the person you love calls you that for the first time
They may say "I lost control for a second" They may say "I didn't mean it"
In reality, it's all on you! On ME! Never would those words come forth if I didn't take the trust of a broken girl The trust of one betrayed by everyone she's ever known That trust I thought I would never have
When I got it......I crushed it She trusted me with information of a thing she is ashamed to even know herself, let alone when it's happening.... And then I threatened to come to her house.... She despises being threatened Hates it above all else I knew this too.... I got in a corner and snapped......
....never again will I get tht trust and I know it.....
There is never an excuse for threatening someone.......
Especially not the one you love most......
The broken trust of a shattered beauty....destroyed by a monster who should b ****** to the shadows.....