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Mar 2011
Your talk easily carries the mountains
flattening the blue hare
further into her scrape
ears down, nothing there

Only her breath moves
as the boulder-field
rings with your call
ice falling on rock

Beneath you, deer hug the ridge
your chatter will not irk them
until death takes them
then they will taste your beak

Men's careless leisurely ways
leave you their scrap
you will waste nothing
you will stay above them

You know what they lost
you know what they look for
you, and the hare, and the deer
you have it safe

Dropping into nothingness
your hidden shining eye
sees everything that moves
and all that is still

With the eagle you are fearless
it is not fear that will stop you
nine winters have set your mind
there is no going back
David Tollick
Written by
David Tollick
   Mara Siegel
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