As i scroll down my instagram feed in fear of becoming jealous of one's body or one's long luscious hair or one's "societal" beauty or just plain ******* awesomeness I think to myself like an old broken record player the words continue playing in my head your ******* beautiful in my head but not my heart it's obviously not right down there because jealousy, fear, and hate roams come on girl get right i say you'll get better another day maybe not today maybe not tommorow but take the risk... you may feel envious today but who knows what more you'll learn about yourself and come to love... who knows what the future holds...
Idk i jist came from instagram ya know with pictures full of Miley cyrus, "pretty girls", and sometimes i avoid some pictures because i don't want to become envious, in fear of that, and not being good enough for myself, but im gonna take a risk and let go of my thoughts that I latch on to.