I've been shot through the heart By a bullet with no name So I have no one left to blame for this I'm lying here Bleeding out Asking forgiveness from everyone I've met But they all deleted my number along time ago Nobody answers numbers they don't recognize anymore So really I'm just lying here Staring at the moon doing its best impersonation of the Cheshire Cat And I want that That, smile while I die The "it ain't ****" That swagger that everyone else seems to have I never had
I'm lying in a casket I built The only project I ever finished They're shoveling piles of regrets, sorrys, and unused potential That's enough to bury me here My headstone doesn't read like the eulogy of a loved man It reads like a children's book One word per page And the word they put on the only page about me? Somebody else's name So the creditors couldn't find me It's not like anyone else calls these days History need not remember those who did not contribute to it
The list of things I've said I would do Is not as long as the list of things Kanye West has done But if you let me finish you'll see it's ten times as long as the list of things I've done
I know five songs by heart Every one of them is sad Ain't No Sunshine 500 Miles (not the catchy one the old a capella one from the fifties) Hallelujah Landslide And Red Eye I use the word why like a piece of gum Chewing on it until it loses its flavor It used to taste like coconut After 10 hours of a graveyard shift it just tastes like yesterday And the moon doesn't track my days anymore My feelings do and it's been today for a long time and yesterday I was happy It's been a few years since yesterday I can't wait till tomorrow Who knows maybe it will come when I wake up
I have black out curtains The sun says goodnight to my toes through the crack in them My dreams still watch her pull the trigger I still wake up with bullet holes People are still not answering my phone calls And I'm too afraid of my mirror to go knock on their doors and ask if they want to come out and play She knew I knew But knowing isn't accepting and accepting isn't wanting I want my dreams back
My feet swell up at the end of a work day When I take my shoes off they feel better I don't feel better now that she's gone My heart used to swell up after seeing her Apparently swelling doesn't always hurt Apparently making it stop doesn't always feel better I learn something new every day Today I learned that if you only think happy thoughts about a person you just miss them more Yesterday I learned if you only think bad thoughts about a person you just want to apologize Tomorrow I'll learn what happens if you forgot that person ever left She won't be learning the same lesson I don't see this going too well My therapist says it doesn't have to be fair to be how I feel I feel discarded Like one of my promises Like one of her days Like a snow man in March The piece of litter the prisoners forgot in the blackberry bush on the side of 1-5
The moon smiles like a cat who never knew what it was to frown I live like a man who never knew what it was to be
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe http://goo.gl/5x3Tae