dear me, this is you. me. get up. the ground is your reward it will hold you when you are done hold you with all force you are not done put a silencing finger to the singing of all fat ladies this is not over real in all finish lines steal the sound of the metal ringing hanging in the air and put back in the bell one more round we go.
get up. there are sunsets that need to be signed off on snowfalls that need your approval. starry nights like sad lovers who's beauty has gone unnoticed in the glare of television sets they are looking for volunteers to notice them raise your hand step forward you will not be chastised for staring some beauty some beauty wants to be seen
get up. as if the simple act of standing has brought you closer to the cosmos as you have ever previously been. as if all the stars you've seen busy looking back taking notes and keeping track of which wishes need granting they heard you ask for strength show them you havent wasted it.