I love you - love you - love you. That is what the words said. Always; I love you. A mantra, a prayer. Love you. You. Only and always you. Pleasing, pleasant words. Poison. Poisonous - designed to numb; Used to ensnare, entrap, Hold you fast - tight. Don't struggle. I love you. Cleave unto me, for I love you. You'll never leave me. You'll never leave me. You'll never- Won't you?
I was reading a lecture Nick Cave gave on Love Songs, he mentions he has this habit of writing love letters, and how really they're a device to try and tie the object of the letters to one's person.
He mentions how under the surface of it all relationships - especially those that are romantic - are always abusive in some way.
We inflict little hurts on those we love, with our words and our actions, or inactions in the hopes that we'll tie them to ourselves - I know I've done this, and I know I still do it in my own ways.
Humans are just horribly insecure beings, but they are insightful to watch.