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Dec 2014
Why do we do this
Why am I so stupid
What can't you do that I need
I love you but I hate you more
The hate outweighs the love by much  I said that I needed you at one point
I may have been lying
Because I'm fine here
Without you and all of your crazy
But what was it really that forced us
To be friends in the first place
To create that bond I'm trying so hard to break
What is it about you that breaks me
Breaks me down into little pieces
Every syllable of Every word
And every feeling you make me feel
Maybe that's just it
I have a need to break things
So I build us up only
To break us down
Because I need that
Nothing else in this world can I break
More than everything we have
That's me
That's why
Written by
DustBall  A small town
(A small town)   
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