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Dec 2014
Blood stains clothing not skin
If it did however
Your hands would be dripping
Never ending
You make me bleed
Inside and out
From the heart
That's where you start
Then you drag your fingers
Across my beaten flesh
And lick your lips with desire
For everything you do you enjoy
No matter how horrible
Or gory
Your eyes burn with contempt
Every drop of blood you take
Is taken from me
I should've have let you take it
Right from the start
But I trusted you
With my most valuable possession
My heart
You shredded it with your teeth
And sliced it with your own heart
Though it may not beat
It is cold as ice
And sharp to the touch
That's how you broke me down
And brought me to your level
I don't know how I feel anymore
Because you posses me
Written by
DustBall  A small town
(A small town)   
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