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Mar 2011
Have you ever wondered how the west was won?
Perhaps it’s the freedom, range closed off to none.
Moments in time freeze over like sage,
Crystalline fingertips intertwine like a maze.
The sun rise warms the winter tundra below,
A desert valley rests amidst the mountains’ toes.

The earth’s spine in the sky, reaching up so high,
Into the clouds, above and beyond, as I,
Reminisce on the peak, serene and sweet.
Wind whispers swift secrets, quickly they fleet
As if time had no outlet, yet no end to meet.
Nightfall brings forth fierce starlight whose course
Is omnipresent, ever-glowing, a masterpiece without a source.

Mind at ease, soul and spirit appeased,
Meditation is natural, never wanting to leave.
Learn to love the small things, short but sweet,
For memories do fade, so live long, repeat.
Have you ever wondered how the west was won?
Take a stroll through New Mexico, all worries you outrun.
Noel Irion
Written by
Noel Irion  29/M
     Khaliyah Keedah and Number 8
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